Parks and gardens in Anjou (from the Renaissance to today)

Published on 25 November 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

Cycle of 7 free lectures given by Olivier Rialland for the Municipal Institute’s programme in Angers, from 6 January to 7 April 2010, on some Wednesdays at 4pm.


The geography of Anjou and history of the people who have shaped its multiple facets come unexpectedly to light as its heritage and landscape creations are explored. At once unsuspectedly rich and extremely fragile, garden art prompts you to think about how Man's relationship with Nature and the Landscape has changed over time .
06/01/10: Historiography of the parks and gardens of chateaus around Angers
20/01/10: Renaissance gardens
03/02/2010: Regular gardens of the 17 th century and
03/03/2010: English-style gardens and
17/03/2010: Landscape gardens of the 19 th century
24/03/2010: The return of French-style gardens
07/04/2010: Eclectic gardens from the early
Olivier Rialland is also putting on a lecture cycle on the History of gardens in Europe (from the Middle Ages to today).
Institut Municipal



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