Oenotourism in Val de Loire

Published on 16 July 2010 - Updated 20 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

There’s plenty going on in 2010, including the 1st interregional encounters, a 3rd year degree in wine and tourism, and a new wine house in Tours.

1st interregional encounters “Oenotourism in the Val de Loire”

 Organised by InterLoire in consultation with the “Oenotourism in Val de Loire” steering committee, these first get-togethers were held at Fontevraud on Monday 5 July and brought together more than 250 people from wine and tourism professionals from throughout the Loire area.
The meetings were held under the patronage and in the presence of Hervé Novelli, Junior Minister for Trade, Handicrafts, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Tourism, Services and Consumption.
Find out more: http://rencontresoenotourismevaldeloire.evenium.com    

Wine and tourism: 3rd year degree at Saumur

 Starting with academic year 2010, this third year of specialisation will take place on both the Saumur university campus and at the Montreuil-Bellay viticulture school.   

A wine house in old Tours

 The Loire wines joint-trade organisation inaugurated this shop window for the Val de Loire vineyards on 18 May 2010. Geology, terroir – the "Wine House" aims to be an educational experience open to all. “Maison des vins de Loire de Tours"
25, rue du Grand Marché
37000 Tours
Tel: 02 47 60 55 21
Email: mdesvins-tours@vinsdeloire.fr
Open from April to September:
Tuesdays to Sunday mornings: 9.30 am - 1 pm and 2 pm -7 pm(Sundays to 10.30 am)Open from October to March:
Tuesdays to Saturdays: 10.30 am - 12.30 pm and 3 pm - 6.30 pm 



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