New structures for revealing the Loire Valley’s cultural landscape

Published on 31 July 2019 - Updated 08 November 2019
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 4 ans

The community of municipalities of Grand Chambord is continuing its work to reveal the Loire Valley landscapes. Following on from last year’s periscope composed of mirrors, two temporary structures on the banks of the Loire are encouraging passers-by to (re)discover the landscape.

For the last few days, visitors to the Montlivault ferry area have been encountering strange artistic installations. Following on from last summer’s installation of a periscope composed of a set of mirrors , this year’s timber installations are designed to encourage people walking along the banks of the Loire to stop for a few minutes to contemplate the Loire Valley landscape around them. 

Nouvel aménagement pour révéler le paysage culturel du Val de Loire © CC Grand Chambord

Designed and created by landscape gardeners from the Dérive collective and the Quand Même company, these are “small-scale installations which offer views of different aspects of the river”; “the important thing  is to encourage people to stop, with small viewpoints at the scale of the landscape”, explains the landscape designer James Bouquard. 

Nouvel aménagement pour révéler le paysage culturel du Val de Loire © CC Grand Chambord

These structures form part of a cooperative operation between the UNESCO-listed sites of the Loire Valley and Mont-Saint-Michel. Its objective is to enhance the landscape and heritage aspects of the two sites. This cooperative approach, which is supported by Mission Val de Loire, relies on the involvement of stakeholders and users, residents and visitors, from the start of the project until its completion.  


These installations echo the “Perspectives on the Loire Valley” project launched by Mission Val-de-Loire this spring, which is designed to support projects for exploring and understanding the cultural landscapes of the Loire Valley.  

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The Mission Val-de-Loire World Heritage, in partnership with the Centre-Val-de-Loire and Pays-de-la Loire Regions, is launching a call for expressions of interest in supporting the development of projects for exploring and understanding Loire Valley cultural landscapes that are included in the UNESCO World Heritage list.



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