New map of local authorities in 2017

Published on 25 January 2017 - Updated 28 February 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

The territorial reform has led to new municipalities being established and the number of inter-municipalities being reduced. As of 1 January 2017, the map of the sub-départemental authorities concerned by the Loire Valley UNESCO World Heritage site has changed and now consists of 153 municipalities and 17 inter-municipalities.

To help you understand

This article lists all of the inter-municipalities concerned by the UNESCO site. 

Codes used: 

  • CU: Urban community
  • CA: Urban Area Community
  • CC: Community of municipalities

It also lists the new municipalities concerned by the UNESCO site, and only their delegated municipalities which were concerned by the UNESCO site. 

Loiret (45)

  • Loges CC  resulting from the merger between the Loges CC and the Val Sol CC
  • Val de Sully CC resulting from the merger between the Sullias CC and the Val d’or et Forêt CC
  • Orléans Métropole CU: Orléans CA became an Urban Community
  • Terres du Val de Loire CC resulting from the merger between the Canton de Beaugency CC, the Val des Mauves CC, the Val d’Ardoux CC and the Beauce Oratorienne CC. It comprises the Loiret municipalities not concerned by the UNESCO site.

Loir-et-Cher (41)

  • Blois-Agglopolys CA
    • Creation of two new municipalities:
      • Valloire-sur-Cisse, which comprises the delegated municipality of Chouzy-sur-Cisse
      • Veuzain-sur-Loire, which groups together two delegated municipalities: Onzain and Veuves
  • Grand Chambord CC
  • Beauce Val de Loire CC was established in 2016, from the merger between the Beauce et Forêt CC and the Beauce Ligérienne CC

Indre-et-Loire (37)

  • Tour(s) Plus CU: Tour(s) Plus CA became an Urban Community
  • Val d’Amboise CC
  • Chinon, Vienne et Loire CC
  • Touraine Vallée de l’Indre CC resulting from the merger between the Pays d’Azay-le-Rideau CC and the Val de l’Indre CC.
  • Touraine Ouest Val de Loire CC resulting from the merger between the Pays de Bourgueil CC and the Touraine Nord Ouest CC.
    • Creation of two new municipalities:
      • Coteaux-sur-Loire, which groups together the delegated municipalities of Ingrandes-de-Touraine, Saint-Michel-sur-Loire and Saint-Patrice
      • Langeais, which comprises the delegated municipality of Langeais (and Les Essards which used to be outside of the UNESCO site)
  • Touraine-Est Vallées CC resulting from the merger between the Vouvrillon CC and the Est Tourangeau CC

Maine-et-Loire (49)

  • Angers Loire Métropole CU
    • The new municipality, Loire-Authion, will incorporate the Angers Loire Métropole CU from 1 January 2018. It was established in 2016 and comprises the delegated municipalities of Brain-sur-l'Authion, La Bohalle, La Daguenière, and Saint-Mathurin-sur-Loire.
  • Saumur Val de Loire CA resulting from the merger between Gennois CC, Loire Longué CC and Saumur Loire Développement CA.
    • Established in 2016, Gennes-Val de Loire comprises the delegated municipalities of Chênehutte-Trèves-Cunault, Gennes and Le Thoureil.
  • Loire-Layon-Aubance CC resulting from the merger between the Loire-Aubance CC, the Côteaux-du-Layon CC and the Loire-Layon CC.
    • Creation of two new municipalities
      • Brissac-Loire-Aubance comprises the delegated municipalities of Saint-Rémy-la-Varenne and Saint-Saturnin-sur-Loire.
      • Les Garennes-sur-Loire groups together the delegated municipalities of Juigné-sur-Loire and Saint-Jean-des-Mauvrets
    • Two new municipalities had already been created in 2016:
      • Blaison-Saint-Sulpice groups together the delegated municipalities of Blaison-Gohier and Saint-Sulpice
      • Val du Layon comprises the delegated municipality of Saint-Aubin-de-Luigné
      • Baugeois Vallée CC resulting from the extension of the Beaufort-en-Anjou CC, in particular to the municipality of Baugé-en-Anjou. It comprises only one municipality concerned by the UNESCO: La Ménitré.




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