New itinerary on the value of landscapes

Published on 26 July 2017 - Updated 08 November 2019
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

Mission Val de Loire is carrying out a study on the socioeconomic value of landscapes along with various partners. On Saturday 1 July 2017, some fifteen local inhabitants (residents, farmers, association leaders and elected officials) joined up with the research team sent out by the Passeurs-Paysagistes association on a tour taking them from Saint-Saturnin-sur-Loire to Trélazé along the southern hillside and crossing the Authion Valley.

The Maine-et-Loire site: Trélazé, La Daguenière, La Bohalle, Saint-Mathurin-sur-Loire, Blaison-Gohier, St-Sulpice-sur-Loire and Saint-Saturnin-sur-Loire. 

The tour followed on from some forty interviews held with local inhabitants. Based on the sometimes converging, sometimes different opinions collected therefrom, Passeur-Paysagistes identified 4 places representative of the most distinctive landscape features. 

The 4 places were all stopping points along the way in order to exchange viewpoints on the highly diverse landscapes they featured: 

  • Saint-Saturnin-sur-Loire: southern hillside, small villages and farming and winegrowing areas
  • Saint-Mathurin-sur-Loire: the levee and its various uses (car, bicycle and pedestrian); industrial landscapes alongside the railway
  • Brain-sur-l’Authion: the Brain “marshland” and the Authion Valley’s field crops
  • Trélazé: urbanisation of the agglomeration and slate quarry wasteland

At the final stop, the panoramic views from the slate mound took in the entire area travelled and led to all-round discussion on landscapes, production of economic activities and residential choices. 

Following the tour, a video summarising it is in preparation, with a view to initiating discussion during a workshop planned for mid-September. 

During the summer, trainees sent out by our partners also questioned tourists passing through the 2 study areas (Loiret and Maine-et-Loire) in order to complement information gathered. 


The scientific consortium lending its support to Mission Val de Loire is made up of:  

  • the University of Tours’ Citères Laboratory
  • the LADYSS Laboratory run by the CNRS and Universities of Paris 1, 7, 8 and 10
  • CEMOTEV, the University of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines’ laboratory
  • the Passeurs-Paysagistes association, which is responsible for carrying out interviews and organising tours and workshops in collaboration with Mission Val-de-Loire researchers and members concerned.



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