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  • New in the media section: the proceedings of the 2002 Val de Loire - World Heritage European Summer School : “Great Rivers of World Heritage: From crisis to risk culture” - Tours

New in the media section: the proceedings of the 2002 Val de Loire - World Heritage European Summer School : “Great Rivers of World Heritage: From crisis to risk culture” - Tours

Published on 22 August 2006 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

The 2002 Val de Loire - World Heritage European Summer School addressed the issue of “Great Rivers of World Heritage: From crisis to risk culture”. The proceedings are now available in the media section.

The 2002 Val de Loire - World Heritage European Summer School took place in Tours from 21 to 24 October 2002, with the positive aim of reflecting on and sharing experiences about developing a real risk culture, looking not only at the inevitable dangers, but also at the tremendous wealth of great rivers such as the Danube, the Loire, the Mekong, the Nile, the Oder or the Guadalquivir.

The great rivers of world heritage, the embodiment of living traditional cultures and places of human settlement, have passed down to us tangible and intangible treasures of universal value. How can these natural and cultural properties of the river be enhanced? How can a risk culture be developed? How can new technological developments be used to raise the inhabitants’ awareness? Can this new technology help strengthen measures to predict and prevent risks? History, like currents events, teaches us the need for both humility and the essential will to act when confronted with these issues, on which the future of the great rivers and the lives of the people who live on them depend.

Download the proceedings in the media section

The 2006 Val de Loire - World Heritage European Summer School
The Val de Loire - World Heritage European Summer Schools and the International rivers and heritage institute



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