New Loire mission in Burundi

Published on 02 November 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

Under the protection programme of the North-East of Lake Tanganyika, which is an environmental initiative of the partnership between the Pays de la Loire region and Burundi, a group of Loire university students specialising in ecotourism, hydro systems and biodiversity went on a mission from 28th September to 3rd October 2009.


Led by Vincent Rotgé, Director of International Affairs at the Val de Loire Mission, the delegation included Aziz Ballouche ( University of Angers), Céline Barthon ( ESTHUA, Angers), Etienne Chauveau ( IGARUN, Nantes), and Patrick Gillet ( IBEA, UCO Angers). They were welcomed by Laurence Arnoux, Head of the Representation Office of the Pays de la Loire Region (Bujumbura) and Jérôme Gaugris, a consultant on the project.
The purpose of this mission was to assess the prefiguration activities carried out on the protection of catchment areas and the North-East of Lake Tanganyika. A great many field trips along the Ntahangwa, Muha and Mugere rivers gave the delegation the chance to notice the threats to the water network and food for thought with the partners on the risks of developing infrastructure that was likely to change the course of the Ntahangwa river.
The delegation came across numerous Burundi partners, including NGOs, national and local public stakeholders, the University of Bujumbura, and manufacturers involved.



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