Moves to maintain and enhance the banks of the Loire 2008-2009

Published on 18 September 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

Following the success of the 2006 initiative, the Caisse d’Epargne Centre Loire bank and Mission Val de Loire have decided to resume their partnership at the helm of the "maintaining and enhancing the banks of the Loire" project for autumn 2008 – spring 2009.


The initiative undertaken in 2006 enabled ten projects to be completed in the Loir-et-Cher and Indre-et-Loire departments. More than 130 people from back-to-work schemes worked on landscape restoration and plant engineering.
This initiative serves three purposes:
- raising awareness among local people of the issues involved in maintaining and enhancing the banks of the Loire, an area attracting increasing numbers of visitors;
- attracting government attention to the types of initiative which are compatible with the quality of natural environments;
- training people from back-to-work schemes in these issues.
The new 2008 initiative will take place on four sites: the banks of Tours , Blois , Saint-Denis-de-l'Hôtel and Germiny-des-Prés, in partnership with neighbouring local authorities, departmental community facilities departments, the Centre regional authority and its Natural heritage conservatory.
The aim is to:
-         create plant windows onto the Loire in Tours ;
-         improve the left bank and create a right of way as a future Loire-by-bike route in Blois ;
-         improve the towpath on the right bank by consolidating the embankment which is suffering heavy erosion in Saint Denis de l'Hôtel;
-         maintain the riverside meadows at Germiny-les-Prés.
The completion of this work, coordinated by the RIVE design office, is accompanied by a training module run by CPIE Val de Loire in the Touraine and an "information for local people" module created in partnership with the local authorities concerned.
These projects are designed to be benchmark projects reflecting the landscape quality which is the objective of Mission Val de Loire in the management of the area accorded UNESCO World Heritage status.



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