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Mopti: project for a Delta Centre and consideration of natural and built heritage in urban guidelines

Published on 04 May 2010 - Updated 07 January 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

During a trip to Mali in April 2010, Vincent Rotgé, Head of the International Relations Department, and Steven Gayme, International Projects Leader from the Mission Val de Loire, as well as Cécilia Meynet, UNESCO Consultant for the Niger/Loire Project, met with local representatives of the Mopti region to confirm the real potential for decentralised cooperation.

During the meeting in Ségou on 22nd April with Macki Cissé, President of the Mopti Regional Assembly (A.R.M.), and Badié Coulibaly, Director of the Inner Niger Delta Centre, the Mission Val de Loire, acting on behalf of the Centre region, declared it was ready to support the A.R.M. with submitting a Water facility funding application to set up the Delta Centre and its activities. In Mopti, on 23rd April, a meeting with local representatives and technical managers from Mopti concluded on the creation of a working group to make progress on developing the town, with account taken of environmental and heritage concerns and definition of the urban guidelines to incorporate in town planning documents that are currently being revised. Two new workshops are planned for July 2010, and then September or October 2010.  

Niger-Loire: governance and culture  



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