Mission Val de Loire: exhibition loans for the 2011 season

Published on 25 March 2011 - Updated 03 May 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 13 ans

Mission Val de Loire produces exhibitions within an optic of promoting the heritage of the Loire Valley and that of other great world rivers. Stakeholders in the Loire Valley (local authorities, cultural and heritage institutions and associations) are invited to diffuse these exhibitions, which are designed as travelling exhibitions. These loans are free of charge.

The aim of these exhibitions:   

  • To illustrate a cultural reality that is sometimes overlooked and little understood, by calling on scientific knowledge
  • To offer a cultural mediation for all members of the public
  • To diffuse knowledge and to develop current funds 

Available exhibitions

  • Loire Valley cultural landscape
  • Loire Valley seen from elsewhere (new for 2011)
  • Loire pleasures
  • The Loire fleet in the 18th century
  • Living the landscapes (4 copies)
  • The Mekong in all its States
  • The Niger River: Another rise in salt

2011 previsional programming


Loire Valley cultural landscape (multimedia exhibition)  

1 February to 31 March: Médiathèque Mûrs-Erigné 

September: Amboise 

Loire pleasures (1800 – 1970)  

2 May to 30 June: ‘Maison de la Loire du Loir-et-Cher’ (Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire) 

17 July: Châtellerault 

Living the landscapes 

14 March to 13 April: IRFSS/ Croix Rouge Amboise 

18 March to 14 April: Point Information Jeunesse - Saint-Paterne-Racan 

On this website:



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