Mémoire: archive images in the Centre Region

Published on 15 February 2011 - Updated 24 February 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

On 4 November 2010, Centre Images, the Centre Region cinematic and audiovisual agency, put the Mémoire website online at ciclic.fr. The site provides unrestricted free-of-charge access to several thousand amateur films. Shot mainly in the Region’s six departments, the films cover close to a century of history (from 1920 onwards). The aim of this public audiovisual archive site is to constitute and bring to life the collective memory of a territory and those who live there.

The films cover leisure activities, sports competitions, community festivals, markets, agricultural, and industrial work and cottage industries, along with changes in urban and rural landscapes, historical events, family life and its rituals, holiday films, heritage (the Loire, the Loire chateaus, and Chartres Cathedral) and the Region’s natural areas (The Brenne Regional Nature Park). 

The Mémoire site can be approached in 3 main ways:  

  • discovery of the films in simple and light-hearted fashion through geographical or chronological search.
  • exploration of the collection according to focuses of interest or favourite themes, by use of an advanced search engine associated with an extensive multi-criteria database.
  • participation: solve puzzles (identify a place or a monument), create your own albums, and commentate on the archives.

On the web:

Centre Images 

Since 2006, Centre Images has collected almost 10,000 amateur films shot in the Centre Region. Covering the years from 1920 to 1990, these unique documents create a firsthand picture of the Region’s history great and small. 

On the web:


Ciclic, a regional digital platform devoted to images, is given concrete form through the Mémoire site. 



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