Meeting of the Scientific Orientation Committee (COS)

Published on 24 May 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

The next meeting of the COS of the International Institute for Rivers and Heritage will take place on 19 June in Tours.

The Scientific Orientation Committee brings together academics representing higher education establishments in the Val de Loire, and also scientists from France and abroad specialising in areas related to protection and promotion of heritage in river corridors. The meeting is chaired by M. Jean-Paul Bravard, Professor of Geography at Lumière-Lyon 2 University and President of the Zone Workshop for the Rhône Valley.

The COS will award the studentships that have been supported in 2007 by the International Institute for Rivers and Heritage and will discuss developments in the scientific policies of the Institute, in particular in the area of social sciences.

And members will also have an opportunity to take part in the " 1st Annual Meeting between the scientific community and administrators in the Loire area" to take place on 20 June at the University of Tours.



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