Meeting of the Association des biens français du patrimoine mondial (ABFPM)

Published on 03 May 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

The 8th Annual Meeting of the Association of French World Heritage Sites (ABFPM) will be held on 6th and 7th May 2010, organised by the latter, the Réseau Vauban Patrimoine mondial and the town of Besançon.


6th May: Association's General Assembly
7th May: Discussions on the theme " World heritage and tourism at regional scale "
This meeting will provide local representatives and operators of cultural or natural sites listed as a World Heritage with the opportunity to discuss the specific challenges of this heritage, share their experiences and develop joint initiatives.
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Association des biens français du patrimoine mondial

Association des biens français du patrimoine mondial



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Licence CC BY-NC-SA Francis Vautier / Mission Val de Loire


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