Loire navigation, yesterday and today

Published on 20 August 2015 - Updated 11 July 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

Two publications on past and present Loire navigation. One is the report for the general public on a study that the Heritage Inventory Directorate of the Centre-Loire Valley Region conducted from 2008 to 2013 on portside developments along the Loire. The other is a document raising awareness about current regulations for local authorities and tourism service providers.

Loire navigation

Along the riverbanks from Nevers to Candes-Saint-Martin, readers are invited to sail down the river and learn about the different aspects of navigation and the structures built for this purpose, including ports, river basins, ferry-boats, high-water marks, boundary markers and submersible dykes. 

Richly illustrated, this book will delight occasional and committed Loire navigation enthusiasts alike and give everyone the chance to find out about the portside developments of the Loire which form an exceptional heritage – a central feature of Loire identity – that is well worth protecting and enhancing. 

This book is open to subscribers until 11 September 2015 at the pre-publication price of €24 (instead of €27). 

Editions Lieux Dits - Collection Images du patrimoine no. 295. 

144 pages, 340 illustrations 

On sale in bookshops from 11 September 2015. 

Launch and signing sessions during the Loire Festival in Orléans, on 25 September at 6 p.m. at the Passion Culture bookshop. 


Best practices for leisure activities on the Loire and Vienne rivers

Once developed to facilitate navigation and river trade, the Loire and Vienne rivers today play host to more recreational activities for residents and tourists. These new uses are subject to regulations which help limit the impact of such practices on the quality of environments and landscapes

This book presents these regulations in a concise and non-exhaustive manner, without going into the rules governing sport, personal safety or use of the air space. 

It has been designed by the Loire-Anjou-Touraine Regional Nature Park in partnership with the Maine-et-Loire and Indre-et-Loire County Councils, Anjou Tourisme and Touraine Tourism Board. 

It is available from the Park and can be downloaded online. 




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