[Fr] Retour en images sur les 14es Rendez-vous du Val de Loire
Les 14es Rendez-vous du Val de Loire patrimoine mondial se sont tenus à Tours le mercredi 20 novembre. Près de 300 personnes se sont déplacées pour...
Published on 23 October 2015 - Updated 05 November 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans
For the purposes of encouraging research, development and innovation for the benefit of the river basin, on 24 & 25 September 2015 the Loire Public Establishment (EPL) organised four scientific and technical discussion sessions in connection with the Loire Festival. Some one hundred people came to take part in these sessions, and more than 150 were able to follow the discussions live online.
All of the presentations and videos can be found on the EPL's website.
The forthcoming publication of the reference work "La Loire fluviale et estuarienne - un milieu en évolution" (The Loire river and estuary - a changing environment), coordinated by Florentina Moatar and Nadia Dupont, was announced. A compilation of thirty or so contributions, this book provides an overview of knowledge gained on the river and estuary environment of the Loire, on the impact of human activity and on the developments completed.
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L’équipe de la Mission Val de Loire.