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Local development plan (PLU (Plan Local d'Urbanisme)) for Amboise: a public exhibition for consultation

Published on 11 March 2011 - Updated 22 March 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 13 ans

The town of Amboise invites local people to come and see an exhibition showing the major development issues, notably those linked to landscape and architecture, the improvement and sustainable development plan, and the regulatory framework of the PLU.

The exhibition will tour different parts of the town: 

  • from 1st March to 1st April at the town hall
  • from 4th to 15th April, at the Acacias Cultural Centre
  • from 18th to 29th April, at the young people’s centre (Mission Locale)
  • from 2nd to 13th May, at the Aimé Césaire multimedia library

On the internet: 



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