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"Le château de Chambord, le mois de Septembre" (Château de Chambord, the month of September)

Published on 31 January 2013 - Updated 05 February 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

Chambord acquired this valuable tapestry from the Chevalier Gallery in Paris last October thanks to the financial support of the Directorate General of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication.

Made by the Manufacture royale des Gobelins, the tapestry is part of a series called "La tenture des Mois" (Wall hanging of the Months), or "Maisons royales" (Royal houses), a real work of propaganda carried out for the King Louis XIV between 1666 and 1669. Each of the 12 tapestries was designed along the same lines: to each month of the year, symbolised by a sign of the zodiac, corresponds one of the main royal châteaux. 

It fits completely naturally into a specially converted space for the occasion that evokes Louis XIV's stays at Chambord. 




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