Launching the code for the "Val de Loire" brand

Published on 17 June 2015 - Updated 01 July 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

Since May 2015, the Centre - Val de Loire and Pays de la Loire Regions have officially launched promotion of the international brand "Val de Loire" (Loire Valley) among local tourism professionals, with the brand code's publication. This project was selected by the French State under a "Destination contract" on 16 December 2014. The website for the "Val de Loire" destination is now up and running.

The code for the brand presents the key distinctive values that forge the Loire Valley's identity: freedom, creativity, blossoming, passing on and sharing. 

Designed to be used by all public and private tourism stakeholders in the Loire Valley for producing their communication tools and documents, this inter-regional brand will enable the professionals concerned to take part in a joint initiative and gain from the positive impact of this international brand's reputation. 

Applications for use can be sent to the Centre-Val de Loire Regional Tourism Board and the Regional Agency - Pays de la Loire Territoires d’innovation. 


Special case of the UNESCO site

Through their affiliation with the site that is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage, tourism stakeholders will be able to use the World Heritage Val de Loire logo


as long as they are working in the fields of mediation and cultural showcasing of heritage recognised by the listing, as well as in projects aimed at safeguarding and enhancing such heritage. 

In all cases, the right to use this logo is subject to an application being sent to Mission Val de Loire, which alone has authorisation to attribute this right. 


The website for the destination gives precedence to user-friendly experiences through appeal (large visuals), immersion (interactive video, etc.), organisation (connected to a search engine and a journey planner module) and sharing one's stay. The foreign language versions will follow shortly. 




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