Launch of the International Institute for Rivers and Cultural Heritage

Published on 03 October 2005 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 18 ans

The European summer school 2005 provided the opportunity to launch the International Institute for Rivers and Cultural Heritage to an audience of chosen delegates, academics, lay persons and students.

The concept of the Institute has been in existence since the inclusion of the Val de Loire on the list of World Heritage sites. The Institute’s mission is to create a federation of current skills, especially within the various universities of the Loire region, in the areas of study and development of the heritage of river corridors. The aim is to optimise research and develop a training service and international expertise in this area.
The year 2005 marks the turning point for the Institute as it enters its operational phase, after two years of preparatory work. Three lines of work have been retained: training, research and expertise.
Training: Training programmes are aimed both at students in their initial stages of training as well as professionals interested in continuing their development.
Research: The aim of the Institute is to promote and support scientific activity within its areas of competence. A support policy has been introduced which allows the allocation of financial support to cover visits by key figures or researchers, of any nationality, who intend to carry out work in the Val de Loire. The support policy also offers bursaries for research on subjects within the remit of the Institute, but carried out within partner institutions. 
Expertise: The Institute has been formed to gather together scientific and technical skills and knowledge. Two types of projects can be clearly defined: those concerning scientific cooperation and development aid those financed by international sponsors.
The Institute is central to a network, and aims to be the driving force behind the mobilisation of expertise within each of its partners.
The Institute’s founding partners are:



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