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Launch of the Innovation & Visit Experience Design (IDEV) Regional Innovation Platform

Published on 28 March 2014 - Updated 07 April 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

The regional innovation platform (PRI) was launched on Friday 21 March 2014 in the presence of Jacques Auxiette, President of the Pays de la Loire Region, and Sophie Saramito, Vice-President of the Pays de la Loire Region and President of the Regional Tourism Committee (CRT). At the crossroads of culture, tourism and innovation, the platform aims to connect institutional stakeholders, companies, and schools and universities to develop innovative visit offers and increase site satisfaction and frequentation.

For the time-being, the IDEV regional innovation platform is being managed by Fontevraud Abbey. It has a dedicated project leader, Marie-Aude Gaillard, and is set to carry out activities throughout the region

Besides networking actors, the launch day led to: 

  • exchange of experience feedback with presentations of Escal'Atlantic (St Nazaire), Batz-sur-Mer Museum and Nantes History Museum
  • fresh inspiration arising from the results of a watch on visitors’ new expectations and a presentation on open data

The action programme and collective projects will be co-drafted with members. 

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