Landscape quality and oenotourism: experiences from the Vitour network

Published on 02 May 2011 - Updated 20 May 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 13 ans

On Friday 27 May 2011 at Tours, the Mission Val de Loire, in partnership with InterLoire and the Chamber of Agriculture of Loir-et-Cher, is organising a day where it will present the experiences of world heritage vineyards (the Vitour network) to local communities, tourism professionals and wine-growers.

Four aspects of the future of oenotourism in the Loire Valley will be discussed: 

  • Accessibility for tourists
  • Organisation and event management
  • Heritage and landscape quality
  • Networking and public policy

The quality of the vineyards’ landscapes is one of the keys to successful oenotourism. World Heritage vineyards have been working since 2005 towards sustainable development of their landscapes and attracting tourists. This network was created on the initiative of the Mission Val de Loire, the Loire vineyards professional association (l’Interprofession des vins de Loire) and InterLoire, following the Loire Valley’s listing by UNESCO in November 2000. 

5 UNESCO sites will share their experiences: 

  • The Cinque Terre National Park – Italy
  • Upper Middle Rhine Valley - Germany
  • The historic wine-growing region of Tokay - Hungary
  • The Terraces of Lavaux/Lake Geneva - Switzerland
  • The Alto Douro Valley – Portugal



Projet européen Interreg 4C - Mission Val de Loire - Vins de Loire - Chambre d agriculture du Loir-et-Cher

6th Technical seminar: March 2011

From 22 to 25 March 2011 Montalcino (Italy) hosted a technical seminar on “The recreational value of landscape: landscape guides and discovery walks”. 

Anne-Sophie Lerouge from Interloire gave a talk entitled "Vineyards, wines and hiking” ( « Vignes, vins et randos » (PDF, 2.08 MB) ), which she will give again on 27 May at the oenotourism experience day. 

She has also produced a Summary of oenotourism opportunities in the Montalcino region. (In French :  

On this site:



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