“La Loire à Vélo” breaks

Published on 02 July 2014 - Updated 11 July 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

From 25 May to 28 September 2014, some thirty of the Centre Region’s municipalities invite you to pedal your choice of a range of festive theme-based bicycle trails with no lack of activities along the way, including shows, tasting sessions, visits and exhibitions – to enjoy as a family or among friends.

On the web:

This summer, cyclotourists taking the train can benefit once again from the TrainVéloLoire  service, with a luggage van especially for carrying bicycles. Travel with your mind at rest and make the utmost of the passing landscapes with the Le Val de Loire vu du train mobile app (on the Tours-Saumur line). 

As the “La Loire à Vélo” itinerary has now been finalised, work is ongoing to set up cyclotourism facilities throughout the area covered, including between Amboise and Chenonceaux, where work began. The itinerary takes riders along rural and local roads specially adapted to cycling. It makes its way around the Chanteloup pagoda and crosses the forest to arrive in Dierre. A provisional link to Chenonceaux along Départemental 40 will be marked out in 2014.  

On the web:



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