“La Loire à Vélo”: all set for 2012

Published on 27 April 2012 - Updated 11 May 2012
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

Almost 150 “La Loire à Vélo” actors got together for the 3rd Annual Encounter, which took place at Chinon Fortress on Thursday 5 April 2012. Organised by the Centre-Loire Valley Regional Tourism Committee on behalf of the Centre and Pays de la Loire Regions, the day provided an opportunity to present professionals with the actions undertaken to ensure the continued success of this unique set of itineraries.

Among the promotional actions in question was the launch of the mobile version of the Loire à Vélo website m.loireavelo.fr

A smartphone application is planned for 2012. 

Today, the “La Loire à Vélo” brand means close to 400 qualified professionals – accommodation providers, bicycle-hire and repair companies, tourist offices, and tourist and leisure-activity sites committed to adapting their welcome to tourists on two wheels. 

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Bikes take the train and the bus

Last summer, 1358 bicycles were transported in the space of two months on the Interloire railway line between Orleans and Nantes (or Le Croisic), on which travellers could make use of a loading/transport/unloading service for their two-wheelers. 

Encouraged by the success of their experiment, the Centre and Pays de la Loire Regions have decided to try it out again with improvements – increasing transport capacity to 40 bikes as against 16 last year. Important: the service will be free of charge for summer 2012, as long as bicycle-owners have their own valid train tickets. The €748,000 investment will be shared equally between the two Regions. 

For the third year running, the Ulys network is organising the Bike/Bus operation on line 3 between Orleans and Gien. Upon reservation, bicycles can be carried on certain buses on weekends and public holidays between 21 April and 30 September 2012; starting this year, two routes will be available from Monday to Friday between 5 July and 30 August 2012. 

On the web



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