“J'aime la Loire…PROPRE” 2016

Published on 08 February 2016 - Updated 18 February 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

Under the auspices of the Foundation for the Protection of Wildlife Habitat, the 7th edition of the national operation “I Love the Loire…CLEAN” is set for Saturday 5 March 2016. This major litter-collection operation along the banks of the Loire, in the 12 départements crossed by the river, is carried out with the participation of numerous associations from the hunting, fishing and sports worlds, the Loire boating community, riverside dwellers and local government officials.

Anyone wishing to take part is more than welcome to do so: registration is free and done onsite. All participants are provided with lifejackets, sacks and gloves. 

The operation is Loire Valley World Heritage site certified for its contribution to the preservation of Ligerian landscapes. 

It enjoys the support of Départemental Hunting Federations, riverside local authorities and companies. 

On the web:



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