Interregional cooperation for enhancement of vitivinicultural heritage

Published on 29 June 2012 - Updated 06 July 2012
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

As part of the LEADER programme (2012-2014), 4 winegrowing areas in the Centre and Pays de la Loire Regions have decided to cooperate with one another with a view to enhancing their vitivinicultural heritages (architectural, natural and landscape heritages, tourism, oenotourism and its “art of living” branch, landscapes and vitivinicultural know-how). They already practise a form of oenotourism recognised by the award of 5 “Vignobles et Découvertes” labels, but are still little known by potential French and foreign visitors.



Three major objectives: 

  • Creation of a “Loire Valley Vineyard(s)” identity recognised by the public at large, by winegrowers, and by stakeholders in winegrowing areas
  • Promotion of viticultural products beyond the borders of their own areas
  • Innovation in oenotourism practices through sharing and exchange of experience and through training.

Common action programme

Initial concrete action took the form of organisation of the photo marathon on 24 June, an event that led to the mounting of an exhibition entitled “Unusual viewpoints on Loire Valley vineyards”. 

Implementation of the programme in each area will revolve around locally organised oenotourism events, either already in existence or yet to be created: 

  • Festivini (Sept 2012) in Saumurois
  • Les Muscadétours (Oct 2012) in Vignoble Nantais
  • La TransLayon (June 2013) in Loire en Layon
  • An event yet to be created, in April 2013 in Loire Touraine

At each event, attendance by ambassadors from terroirs in other winegrowing areas will lead to promotion of a specific Loire Valley identity. 

The programme also provides for exchanges of experience and know-how through study tours (familiarisation trips) and series of exchanges focusing in particular on heritage mediation. 

On the web



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