InterLoire, National Wine Tourism Prize 2011

Published on 20 July 2011 - Updated 27 July 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 13 ans

InterLoire – the Loire wines interprofessional association – was the winner of the National Wine Tourism Prize in the “Wine tourism promotion operation” category, awarded by the Conseil Supérieur de l’Œnotourisme (CSO – Higher Council of Wine Tourism) for the TGV magazine supplement “Parcours divins en Val de Loire”.

A total of 200,000 copies of this 24-page guide were distributed on TGV lines in April 2010, providing overviews of 5 different wine tourism holiday offers along with a selection of addresses to remember and gourmet rendezvous. 

The guide was designed to meet the needs of the 4 wine-tourist profiles identified, with suggestions for: 

  • making the utmost of sunny days and the sweet life, for “epicureans”,
  • enjoying encounters with local winegrowers, for “explorers”,
  • crisscrossing the hillsides of the royal river listed as UNESCO World Heritage for the last 10 years, for “classic” wine tourists,
  • discovering the full diversity of the Loire’s appellations, for “experts”…

The TGV magazine supplement can be consulted on the InterLoire website. 

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