Insoluble Mysterious Mysteries: a series to help young readers discover Centre Region heritage

Published on 31 July 2012 - Updated 03 September 2012
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

This new series, published by the Heritage Inventory Directorate, is a Centre Region initiative that aims to share the results of the directorate’s research with younger readers. The project is being implemented in collaboration with the Atelier du Poisson Soluble, a publisher of children’s books located in Puy-en-Velay, and Ciclic, regional agency for Books, Images and Digital Culture. The first two volumes will be in shops in September 2012.

This new series is the result of the Centre Region’s determination to reach new sectors of the general public. Its objectives are to familiarise children between the ages of 7 and 12 with the region’s heritage and to make the utmost of the directorate’s impressive collection of photographs (some 200,000 images amassed since 1972), with a little help from Ciclic expertise. 

Following consultation, the Atelier du Poisson Soluble was selected as a project partner, bringing together author Grégoire Kocjan and illustrator Julie Ricossé. 

Les Mystérieux Mystères Insolubles centres on a team of highly unusual investigators headed by Professor Klutch, an expert in mysterious mysteries. Together, they lead the reader across the Centre region to solve insoluble mysteries, discovering all the richness of regional heritage along the way thanks to fully illustrated documentary sections (at the bottom of the page).  

Each comic book will focus on one of the areas studied by the Heritage Inventory Directorate. 

The first volume, entitled “L’Enigme du Trou Siffleur” (The Riddle of the Whistling Hole), is an invitation to journey through Rabelais country – Chinonais, to be exact. 

In the second volume, “À la Poursuite de la Gigantesque Lamproie Géante” (In Pursuit of the Gigantic Giant Lamprey), Professor Klutch’s team set sail on the Loire’s canals in pursuit of a mysterious monster. 

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