Inauguration of the centre for water excellence in Chinon

Published on 29 January 2014 - Updated 18 February 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

The centre, inaugurated in mid-December 2013 at 11 quai Danton in Chinon comprises three buildings. The first is dedicated to university premises and is home to IMACOF (Engineering of Aquatic Environments and River Corridors) and the CETU Elmis. The second building is home to a business incubator. The third is a farm house to be restored, which will cost a total investment of 2.2 million euros, of which 1.5 million has already been invested in the first two buildings.

The first business to be set up here was the Rive limited liability company (SARL), a consultancy and engineering centre which takes part in the management and restoration of waterways and wetlands. Michel Bacchi, head of the Chinon branch, studied at IMACOF himself.  

The project for the farm house consists of creating an accommodation space on the first floor, and on the ground floor, a place of scientific popularisation open to the general public. 


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