[Fr] Rapport d'activités 2019-2024
Ce rapport d’activités rend compte des nombreux projets portés par la Mission Val de Loire et ses partenaires sur une période de 6 années, période...
Published on 24 May 2018 - Updated 14 June 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans
The Tours Centre for Higher Renaissance Studies (CESR) has teamed up with the "Heritage Intelligence" Ambition Research Development (ARD) programme to premier the interactive web documentary "Sur les pas de Léonard" (In Leonardo's footsteps). This 13-episode interactive documentary explores the different facets of Leonardo da Vinci's life and work.
Set off in his footsteps and discover afresh the genius of this Italian Master through a unique transmedia narrative combining the episodes of the web documentary with a range of interactive content.
To watch the first episodes of the web documentary go to: https://renaissance-transmedia-lab.fr/web-documentaire/
This lab, set up by the Centre for Higher Renaissance Studies (CESR) (Tours University), offers an extensive audience original digital apps that have been designed by scientists and gathered within a brand new interactive experience on the Renaissance theme: web documentaries, serious video games, mobile apps, virtual reality, 3D models, etc.
The web documentary "Sur les pas de Léonard" is the first production of Renaissance Transmedia Lab.
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L’équipe de la Mission Val de Loire.