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  • “I want a CLEAN Loire” initiative calls upon elected representatives and members of the public

“I want a CLEAN Loire” initiative calls upon elected representatives and members of the public

Published on 07 March 2011 - Updated 22 March 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

Set up on 5th March 2011 by the Loire and Loiret hunters (GIC Loire 45), working together with numerous organisations, this huge operation to clean the banks of the Loire has been taking place in several departments through which the Loire passes. For Loiret alone, the operation meant that 370 people, allocated to 13 rendezvous points, were able to collect some 200 m3 of detritus.

The rubbish collected ranged from plastic and glass bottles, plastic bags, polystyrene sheets, tyres, through to supermarket trolleys, kitchen sinks, mattresses, caterpillar tracks, desktop computers, exercise bikes, TVs... 

The Loire hunters* have already decided to renew their “I want a CLEAN Loire” initiative next spring for a third season. 

* The departments involved in the initiative are: Loiret, Nièvre, Cher, Saône et Loire and Loire 

Des bénévoles ramassent les détritus sur les berges de Loire.



Associations from the hunting fraternity (GIC Loire 45, FDCL, ACOML, AJC 45,  waterfowl hunting associations from other departments which the Loire crosses and departmental hunting associations*) with the support of fishermen (federation and associations), the world of sport (ramblers, cyclotourists, and rugby players), associations of boatmen from the Loire and the Rotary Club of Montargis.  

Local authorities

The 13 communes in which the rendezvous points were located have all added their support to this activity, which is led by the public and for the general good by providing skips, trucks (Saint Jean Le Blanc and Beaugency town councils), staff, bin bags, gloves, or rooms where the glass of friendship offered by the hunters or the local authorities can be shared. 


By supplying equipment, riverside farms have enabled the rubbish to be transported to large skips made available free of charge by the Loiret Recyclage Environnement company or to local waste disposal centres. 

Photo credits GIC Loire 45 



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