How colourful the Envies de Loire (Loire Desires) are!

Published on 29 January 2018 - Updated 16 March 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 7 ans

On 13 December 2017, the jury for the “Envies de Loire” competition chose its winner. The Italian team, "La Loire en couleurs” (The Loire in colour), won the jury’s support with their development project to rediscover the Loire and better incorporate the river into the town.

Accessing, crossing, travelling and mixing are the keywords of Francisco Nigro’s team’s project. A project that intends to draw the river back towards the town (and the town towards the river) through considerate developments such as environmentally friendly transitions to reach the river more easily, and more crossings adapted to pedestrians and cyclists, etc. 

The Envies de Loire booklet

Organised by Tours Métropole and Tours Urban Planning Agency (ATU), this international ideas competition took place between 5 May and 5 September 2017. During this public consultation period, everyone had the opportunity to express one or several ideas for reclaiming and developing the 9 km of river which crosses the Métropole. 

The summary of the ideas for the Loire suggested by inhabitants of the Métropole as part of this ideas competition can be found in the Booklet of desires

From all of these ideas, six teams competed and came up with proposals for developing 12 spaces identified along the river. The teams refined the proposals during a workshop which was held between 12 and 16 October 2017, before presenting them to a jury made up of eight elected representatives, three qualified specialists, four partners and a contributor to the public consultation from Tours. 

Find all the information and proposals on the dedicated website:  



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