Great Rivers of the World Biennial: the Saint-Laurent

Published on 23 May 2014 - Updated 11 June 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

From 6 May to 1st June 2014, the Maison de Loire in Anjou, the Loire Authion Valley Distric Community and the Loire Authion Tourist Office - all three organisers of this big intercommunal celebration - bring the region to life with the colours of Canada for several weeks, with the guest river of honour THE SAINT-LAURENT.

On the programme

Themed nights in the municipalities, concert by the Loire Authion Valley Music School, terroir and artisan market, trapper camp, lacrosse game, introduction to dog sledding, musical activities, Quebec tales, readings with the library network, themed boat rides and workshops on a whale specially created for the event... 

At the end of May, a symposium on the 28th and 30th on:  

  • mankind's role on rivers - great discoveries, exchanges and the consideration of rivers in development plans.
  • the natural heritage of the two rivers - the richness, threats and issues.


From 6 to 10 August 2014, Fêtes de la Nouvelle France de Québec (over 200,000 visitors in 2013) will welcome the Loire Histoire et Traditions (LH&T) association, whose main objective is to promote the Loire. This is an opportunity to promote the Loire, its cultural heritage, its gastronomy, its vineyards, its tourism and the know-how of its people. 

Moreover, on the Ascension weekend, a "white-blue picnic" with the colours of Quebec followed by a musical show and fireworks on the Saturday night.  

For the community which has fully committed itself alongside the Maison de Loire in Anjou, this event is about identity and uniting people, focusing on tourism and culture and combining festive, educational and scientific aspects in order to attract locals and tourists passing through.  




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