"Fenêtres sur Loire" ("Windows on the Loire"), a competition for ideas for revealing the Loire Valley landscape in the Indre-et-Loire département

Published on 02 August 2019 - Updated 03 September 2019
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 4 ans

In partnership with the Centre-Val-de-Loire Region, Département 37’s Council is launching a competition of ideas aimed at developing 6 sites located along the river Loire, based on the features that gained the Loire Valley UNESCO World Heritage-listed status.

Artists, architects and landscape designers are invited to reflect on the development of 6 iconic areas of the river that have been awarded UNESCO World Heritage-listed status. Chosen for their scenic, environmental, historic, heritage or strategic interest, these sites are located in various different areas of this LoireValley département. They are located within the municipalities of Nazelles-Négron, Rigny-Ussé, Candes-Saint-Martin, Villandry, La Ville-aux-Dames and Mosnes.  

To surprise visitors, “magnify or reveal” the landscape, encourage relaxation and contemplation, and reinterpret its practices… designers will need to create original installations invested with meaning and identity, which respect the natural landscape and heritage of the river Loire.  

The aim is also to:
– create high-quality, enhancing public spaces
– take the landscape and  environmental context into account
– develop tourist and cycle routes, including La Loire à vélo (The Loire By Bike)
– develop new practices  

Anticipated projects may be works of art, landscaping, viewpoints, furniture, etc., but they must fit into the surrounding landscape.  

With support from the ATU (Agence d’Urbanisme de l’agglomération de Tours, Tours Urban Planning Agency), the services of Département 37’s Council, acting as the main project contractor, have been working in consultation with local authorities, State departments, Mission Val-de-Loire and environmental associations.  

12 teams will be competing in the preliminary phase ofWindows on the Loire (shortlisting will take place in early October 2019); in February 2020, the 3 successful candidates will subsequently be assigned to implement this project, valued at €2 million.  

Deadline for the submission of applications: 16 September 2019 

Information and applications: www.marches-publics.info  

Echoing the  Regards sur le Val de Loire  (Perspectives on the Loire Valley) call for expressions of interest launched by Mission Val de Loire, the "Windows on the Loire" competition will be presented in Blois on 12 September during the "Voir et être vu" (“See and Be Seen” seminar. Information and registration:  "Voir et être vu" (“See and Be Seen”) 



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