Evaluation of special cultural events in the Loire valley

Published on 23 April 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

In April 2008, Mission Val de Loire publishes a proposal from Vade Mecum on this topic which brings together the contributions made by the work undertaken with the Amnyos firm in 2006 and the work undertaken internally by Mission Val de Loire since that date.

The evaluation of a special cultural event entails major work at the design stage and major resources to be able to make it a reality. However, it enables us to take objective stock of the effects of the special events and to take a step back in order to work on areas for improvement. It is all the more necessary because cultural events call for the input of many actors from local authorities and associations, and artists, thus contributing to regional economic and social cohesion.



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