Educational platform of the Château and City of Blois

Published on 23 June 2020 - Updated 04 January 2021
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 4 ans

Following on from the lockdown period, the educational team at the Château Royal and the City of Blois’ City of Art and History department have made an educational platform available online, featuring videos, images and fun apps to find out (more) about the history of the Château, the City and their collections.

This platform and the resources it contains are intended to be updated over time, so as to stay engaged and offer up new potential for artistic and cultural teaching during the 2020-2021 school year.  

A timeline with key dates, the Château’s architectural history, a digital recreation of the old gardens, cultural interludes across the city ... All sorts of content can be accessed – including the videos of  Portraits de Loire à la Renaissance !  




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