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Eco-Trophée 2009 competition of the Loire Anjou Touraine Regional Natural Park

Published on 11 January 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

During the ceremony on 26th November 2009, the Regional Natural Park unveiled the prize-winners of the Eco-Trophée 2009 competition to the public. This competition was organised with the help of 5 consular chambers in the region, of EDF-CNPE in Chinon and the Centre and Pays de la Loire regions.


This competition helps to promote innovative companies and local authorities in the environmental domain and to raise the awareness of all stakeholders and inhabitants in the Regional Natural Park. For the first time this year, towns and villages in the park as well as urban area or town and village communities were invited to contribute .
The prize-winners included Gouas from Langeais, which was singled out for having restored a 16th century half-timbered house in keeping with tradition and with the principles of eco-construction and water and energy savings (re-use of all materials, healthy insulation materials, etc.).
PNR Loire Anjou Touraine



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