Digital discovery of world heritage

Published on 25 May 2011 - Updated 20 June 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

UNESCO recently announced two initiatives facilitating access to information on World Heritage: a “World Heritage Memory” website and an application for iPhone and iPad.

An application for iPhone and iPad (from HarperCollins) 

With authorisation from UNESCO, the HarperCollins publishing house has created an application for iPhone and iPad providing a guide to sites on the World Heritage list. It will be updated yearly, as new sites are added to the list. 

Among other things, the application provides: 

  • localisation maps for each site,
  • over 650 images,
  • the possibility of seeing and searching for a site by name, country or classification – ideal for preparing a visit abroad.

Download the application (4.99 $) 

The World Heritage Memory website (WHMNet) 

WHMNet is a rapid and efficient high-performance knowledge base providing universal access to multilingual, multimedia and multiformat resources on all World Heritage listed sites, drawn from museums, archives, libraries and bibliographical tools, and the Internet; it includes videos, 3D videos, audio clips and documents. 

The site provides cartographic search engines, temporal and geographical by country, along with an exclusive search tool based on image content (CBIR, Content-Based Image Retrieval) that enables instantaneous search through countries or cultures for images of similar types, colours or forms. 

WHMNet is the result of several years of partnership between the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and Simmons College, Boston (USA). 


On the Internet: 


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© Les Chalandoux du 5e vent


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