“D’ailes et d’eau”, a creation in memory of the Loire’s big floods

Published on 11 January 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

Through this work presented at Saint-Pierre des Corps, the plastic artist Michel Gressier, who harks from Tours, gives his interpretation of the famous floods caused by a capricious and still wild river. Paintings, kites, level laser and mechanical or sound installations will be put on display inside, while bulwarks, wind turbines and canopies will brighten up the environment outside, on the ground and on rooftops.


This creation, which has been awarded the Loire Valley World Heritage label, will be presented from 23 February to 27 March at the exhibition hall in the Chabrier passage in Saint-Pierre-des-Corps.
"Still working on the verticality of air through aerial and colourful creations, kites, canopies and bulwarks, I wanted to capture the changing horizontalities of the river. I imagined the water flow resulting, not from its rages, but from its transport. I wanted to express the highest water levels known, these unbelievable heights that I never got to see for myself."
Michel Gressier has already evoked the Loire by the bridges, by decking Pont Napoléon bridge in Tours and the sites of Amboise and Saumur last summer.



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