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  • Cyclopédia has won the first "Innovatory Worldwide Action Prize" of the Holidays in France Trophy

Cyclopédia has won the first "Innovatory Worldwide Action Prize" of the Holidays in France Trophy

Published on 26 February 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

The Anjou Departmental Tourism Committee won this prize thanks to Cyclopédia, the first multimedia guide with GPS for exploring the heritage of the Loire Valley by means of the cycle route “La Loire à vélo” (The Loire by Bike), which crosses the Val de Loire UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Within the framework of an Interreg programme led by the Centre Region, bringing together 18 European partners located along the Eurovélo Rivers Route from the Atlantic to the Black Sea, a series of studies were carried out in 2006.Within this framework, the Val de Loire Mission acted as leader for the “Heritage Promotion” aspect. Cyclopédia is one of the innovatory operations that have been welcomed by the Anjou Departmental Committee for Tourism and that were completed in 2007 following the studies that were carried out. This was thanks to European grants which enabled the project to be financed and work to be carried out by specialist providers.

The aim of the Holidays in France Trophy, which is organised by the National Federation of Departmental Committees for Tourism (FNCDT) and Le Monde à Paris (MAP), is to reward original, high-quality products or actions related to tourism that have been implemented by Departmental and Regional Committees for Tourism, Leisure and Welcome Services, Tourist Offices and Syndicats d’Initiative, communes, associations or private operators.

The selection committee, made up of partners in the operation (SNAV, ATH, Maison de la France, SNET, and the Ministry for Consumer Affairs and Tourism) and journalists, chose from 39 candidates.

Further details from:

National Federation of Departmental Committees for Tourism (FNCDT)

Anjou Departmental Committee for Tourism
Contact: Nathalie Ferrand-Stip - Tel. 00 33 (0) 2 41 23 51 58



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