Consultation to restore balance to the Loire riverbed

Published on 04 April 2018 - Updated 28 May 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

From 30 March until 29 April, a public consultation was organised as part of the Contract for the Loire and its annexes (2015-2020). It set out to find out what the public thinks about the development possibilities being considered to restore balance to the Loire riverbed between Les Ponts-de-Cé and Nantes.

The development proposals are currently being examined. The talks launched on 30 March should help to improve these, identify the necessary support measures and come up with shared solutions. Information and consultation meetings were held throughout April, with a closing meeting taking place on 24 April. The public was able to continue contributing online until 29 April, however

Following this consultation, the pre-proposal examinations will carry on with a view to presenting the final outlines of the programme during another public consultation scheduled at the end of 2019. Actual works are expected to begin in 2020.  

This measure is part of the priorities of the Action Plan for the Ecological Transition adopted on 22 March 2018 by the Pays de la Loire Region. 





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