“La participation citoyenne dans nos villages, c'est possible!” [Civic participation in our villages, it’s possible!]

Published on 07 June 2016 - Updated 02 November 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

After 2 years of experiments involving 6 Centre-Loire Valley Region municipalities, GRAINE Centre-Loire Valley, 4 associations devoted to environmental education and IFRÉE have put their heads together to publish a methodological booklet designed to involve inhabitants in environmental projects. It is intended for local authority officials, inhabitants and project promoters alike, with a view to giving them the motivation and resources to repeat the experiments in other towns and villages.

The initiative was designed and tested out in order to respond to the realities of municipalities with fewer than 1,500 inhabitants, many of which have few financial and human resources to call upon, but which benefit from their local government representatives’ and inhabitants’ thorough knowledge of their village and how much work they are willing to put in on its behalf. 

The booklet includes: 

  • testimonies fromlocal government officials, inhabitants and others involved,
  • feedback from the six municipalities concerned,
  • a methodology adapted to small municipalities and adaptable to local contexts,
  • resource people for your projects

A “motivation” leaflet is also available. 

On the web:



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