Citizens are mobilising to clean up the Loire

Published on 07 September 2017 - Updated 21 September 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

Enthusiasm for the banks of the Loire – whether for the Loire à vélo cycle route, water sports or contemplation – can have adverse effects when it comes to the proliferation of rubbish in nature. Citizen movements are taking action to clean up the banks of the Loire.

Dive in with Solidex

The Solidex association, after a journey across Europe on a Solex powered bicycle, decided in 2017 to sail down the Loire in a canoe with the "Jetez-vous à l'eau" project. The aim was to collect rubbish from the Loire (during their trip and during communal waste collection sessions) and to raise awareness about ecology. 

The members of the organisation had organised several stages with local partners, in particular in the UNESCO site: 

Solidex in Chouzé-sur-Loire with the Au fil de Loire association (Credits to: Mar’y Boat’ / Au fil de Loire) 

The association plans to share this adventure through a film, a comic book and a book, which will aim to bring about new opportunities to pass on the experience in schools, villages, etc.  

"Je nettoie ma Loire" Collective

One Sunday per month, volunteers from the "Je nettoie ma Loire" collective comb the banks of the River Loire on the hunt for rubbish. 

Read about taking part in a session to clean up the Loire: Loire : objectif zéro déchet (Département du Loiret)  

"De l’homme a la Loire, de la Loire à la mer" 

As part of the Festival de Loire, the "Je Nettoie Ma Loire" collective is organising this conference on Friday 22 September at 10:30 am, on the banks of the Loire, 14 quai du Châtelet. 

What happens to our rubbish in the Loire? How did we get to this point? How to take action: what tools and methods to use? Find out about the work carried out by a collective of Loire citizens and discover the projects which they'd like to share with you. 



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