Chambord online

Published on 28 March 2014 - Updated 07 April 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

Chambord has mounted two online exhibitions in partnership with the Google Cultural Institute, and has installed a webcam disseminating live images of the Estate.

After having presented the works included in its “The Lilies and the Republic” temporary exhibition in June 2013, the National Estate of Chambord is continuing its partnership with the Google Cultural Institute with a more recent exhibition which opened in December 2013. 

The exhibition, entitled “Chambord, from royal estate to national estate”, takes the form of a virtual journey through the château’s history, richly illustrated with photographs of the historical building and the vast estate surrounding it. 

Exhibitions online:

The Château de Chambord can also be viewed in real time from anywhere in the world. Thanks to the partnership set up with the Feratel company and financial support from Atout France, a mobile camera has been installed facing the château. 


Images may be viewed  online on the Feratel website or on the free FERATEL mobile phone app. 

On the web:



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