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Call for applications: fourth artist-in-residence programme at "La Colombière"

Published on 27 February 2018 - Updated 16 March 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

For the fourth year in a row, Institut de France, Mission Val de Loire and Gennes-Val-de-Loire (Maine-et-Loire) are forming a partnership to offer an artist-in-residence programme on the theme of the Loire Valley cultural landscape and how it is perceived by different people. Lasting six weeks during the summer of 2018, it will culminate in the presentation of one or several artworks during the European Heritage Days on 15 and 16 September.

This call for applications is intended for students at the end of their studies or recent graduates with five years of higher education from art, landscape and architecture schools in the Loire Valley and beyond the national territory. All forms of expression or artistic disciplines are possible. 

The residence programme takes place at “La Colombière”, bequeathed to the Institut de France, which now owns it. This house was where the sculptor Gustave Pimienta lived and worked for thirty or so years until 1982. 

It is located on the banks of the Loire in the new municipality, Gennes-Val-de-Loire, within the boundary of the Loire Valley World Heritage listed site. Thus, the idea is to align the theme of the residence programme with the reason why the Loire Valley is featured on the World Heritage List, i.e. as a cultural landscape. 


  • Closing date for entries: 6 April 2018.
  • The names of the selected artists will be communicated on: 14 May 2018 at the latest.
  • Provisional dates for the residence programme: from 23 June to 3 August 2018 or from 4 August to 17 September 2018.


Appel à candidature Résidence d’artiste à « La Colombière » 2018 (PDF, 353.55 kB)  



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