Brochure on the Loire Valley World Heritage

Published on 27 September 2013 - Updated 18 October 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

Following on from the brochures on protecting and renovating traditional buildings in the Loire Valley, published for the départements of Loiret, Loir-et-Cher and Indre-et-Loire, the Fondation du patrimoine (Heritage Foundation) has produced a new brochure for the département of Maine-et-Loire.

This is the fruit of joint efforts on the part of the Architecture, Urban Planning and Environment Council, Regional Natural Park, Mission Val de Loire and Architect of the Buildings of France. 

It was presented on Sunday 15 September at the 3rd Riverbank Festival in Chalonnes-sur-Loire during the Heritage Days. 

Supervised by the Fondation du Patrimoine, the aim of this brochure is to inform and raise the awareness of people living in the region about protecting local heritage and the Loire Valley as a whole.
Through indications on the region’s architecture and natural heritage, it gives the population a chance to recognise and identify regional heritage. It also provides traditional restoration advice so that this UNESCO World Heritage label can be maintained. 

On this website:




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