Between two rivers : building a Toue (Loire river boat) in Mali

Published on 08 January 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

From 17th November 2008 to 19th January 2009, the « Between Two Rivers » association in partnership with the Loire de Blois Observatory and with the help of the Regional Council of the Centre, have organised the construction of a toue (Loire river boat) in Mopti in Mali.


This work in progress is the second part of a project for the exchange of techniques and know-how between French and Malian river water carpenters around the construction of two boats.


The first part took place in the Val de Loire in 2006 with the construction of a pinasse (Malian dugout canoe) in la Possonnière.




Information :

Between two rivers

The construction site blog



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