Atlas of the Val de Loire – World Heritage site

Published on 24 November 2005 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 18 ans

A starting point for sharing tools for observing the Loire and its surrounding area, the cartographic atlas of the Val de Loire aims to provide a snapshot of the physical, demographic, cultural and economic reality of the river corridor.

The fruit of a collaborative effort started in 2001 by the Atlantic Institute for Territorial Development (IAAT), the Planning Agency for the Anjou region (AURA) and the Val de Loire Mission, the cartographic atlas of the Val de Loire is an effective decision-making tool for local authorities located in the river corridor.
The atlas is organised around six major areas to give an overview of the whole site: 
  • Territories: boundaries and characteristics 
  • Local populations 
  • Facilities 
  • Protection and management of the area 
  • Inward and outward flows
  • Activities
Atlantic Institute for Territorial Development (IAAT)



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