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Alberobello (Italy) inspired by the Val de Loire World Heritage management system

Published on 22 January 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 18 ans

The town of Alberobello (Italy), a UNESCO World Heritage site for its trulli, the dry stone dwellings typical of the region of Apulia in southern Italy, is hoping to have its heritage listed as a cultural landscape, rather than just as monumental heritage.

TrulliBased on an original idea from the local community organisation LaPiS, the cultural laboratory for the "Pietra a Secco" landscape, directed by the architect Michelangelo Dragone, the town of Alberobello is putting forward a proposal to ten neighbouring towns and villages to put in place a system for protecting their local heritage and developing their region.

The project was launched at a lecture entitled "Tools and methods for preserving and promoting local identity: a proposal for the Pietra a Secco landscape", which took place on 26 January 2007.
This lecture was attended by the Under-Secretaries of State for the Ministry of the environment and the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, the President of the Apulia region and the Mayors of the 13 towns and villages involved, as well as experts in heritage management and urban planning.
Dominique Tremblay, the Director of the Val de Loire Mission, participated by videoconference to share his experience of the system put in place in the Val de Loire to manage and promote the UNESCO World Heritage label.

In addition, the Val de Loire Mission is welcoming Daniela Mastrosimini, who has a doctorate in Communication Sciences, to work alongside it for two months. Dr Mastrosimini has been awarded a grant from the Apulia region to study the innovative system that has been set up in the Val de Loire.
LaPiS, Cultural laboratory for the "Pietra a Secco" landscape



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