A tourism newsletter for the Pays de Chinon

Published on 26 May 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

The first edition of this newsletter for members of the Pays de Chinon Office of Tourism was published in April 2008.

There are several objectives:
- providing information on the latest tourism developments
- setting out the operational scope of the Office of Tourism
- providing information on the regional promotion initiatives undertaken by the Office of Tourism
- strengthening the links between the various tourism actors: institutions, sites, accommodation providers, catering services, traders, craftsmen, tourism associations
- spreading the word about new attractions and events
Finally, a forum provides an opportunity for members to express their opinions if they wish.



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Photo d une rue de la ville de Luynes. On voit quelques maisons anciennes (tuffeau, colombages...) et une cabine téléphonique rouge.
Licence CC BY-NC-SA Francis Vautier / Mission Val de Loire


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