3 tools for helping to safeguard the heritage at risk of flooding

Published on 24 July 2018 - Updated 02 August 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 5 ans

The Établissement public Loire has been working for a number of years now on reducing the vulnerability of heritage sites to the flooding risk. It currently has a range of tools available to raise the general public's awareness and support owners of vulnerable cultural sites.

Exhibition “Heritage at risk of flooding: protected sites, safeguarded heritage”

Comprising 8 panels, this sheds light on the high risks run by the remarkable heritage of the Loire basin and its tributaries. At the same time, it presents various initiatives being taken to reduce its vulnerability, around the basin as well as elsewhere in France and Europe. These are all practical contributions to protecting these tangible and intangible properties from the flooding risk. 

Booklet “Réduction de la vulnérabilité des biens culturels patrimoniaux sur le bassin de la Loire et ses affluents”

Written for the attention of owners of vulnerable cultural sites, this document, entitled "Reducing the vulnerability of heritage cultural properties in the Loire basin and its tributaries", sets out to raise their awareness of the flooding risks to which they might be exposed. More broadly, it is also worthwhile reading material for flooding risk managers and cultural heritage operators to help them to factor this issue into their operational measures. 

Vulnerability self-assessment tool

The Établissement public Loire has carried out an innovative measure for listing the various issues and developing tools aimed at limiting the damage wrought by floods as far as possible. A self-assessment tool and interactive map are available to cultural site operators and owners. This tool builds on the facts provided by the booklet mentioned above. 

In 2016, the Établissement was awarded a special jury prize for its work in favour of reducing the vulnerability of cultural heritage to floods. The prize was awarded by the Association Française des Etablissements Publics Territoriaux de Bassin (French Association of Basin Territorial Public Establishments/AFEPTB) and the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Marine Affairs at the closing of the PREVIRISQ INONDATIONS 2016 workshops. 



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